Side Lying vs. the Prenatal Tables

Have you been researching ways to facilitate a healthy pregnancy and potentially lead to an easier birth experience?  You have likely come across how beneficial prenatal massage is and are ready to try it out. Every massage place is different in the way they implement their prenatal massage, whether it be through side-lying or using a special pregnancy table with special cut-outs for your pregnant belly to sit in.The question is, “Should I lay on my stomach while I am pregnant?”
During the 1st trimester laying on your stomach and back should be safe for you and your baby. Once you are further along in your pregnancy the side laying position is the safest way to receive a massage for both you and your baby. “The American Pregnancy Association (APA) does not recommend tables with a hole cut out into which a woman’s uterus sits, noting that this position applies pressure to the abdomen. It also allows the abdomen to dangle, which stretches the uterine ligaments.” This can also contribute to lower back pain.The ultimate goal of a prenatal massage or massage, in general, is to benefit and help ease discomfort or pain, to nurture and provide relief.  The prenatal table and special pillows are only meant for brief treatments such as a chiropractor adjustment or a massage lasting less than 15 minutes. Any longer than this is what can cause the ligaments to stretch.
For the most beneficial and relaxing prenatal massage, consider laying on your side. It will be the most comfortable for you and the baby, reduce anxiety, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and can improve labor outcomes and newborn health.
That is why side-lying prenatal massage is recommended instead of using a prenatal table.