8 Reasons Why Mom needs a Massage
Massage is a great way to relieve some stress and regain your focus. Here are some reasons why working moms need a knead
1. A Massage means “ME” Time
Mom’s are so focused on the well being of everyone around them that they don’t take time to think of themselves. A massage encourages peace of mind and refreshes the body which in turn allows them to be better at taking on their daily tasks.
2. Stress Relief
This one is kind of a no brainer. Massage releases all that stress that we turn into muscle tension. That stressful neighbor that’s been giving you that knot in your neck. That little one that would not go to sleep last night thats been tightening your lower back. Massage gives you a clean slate.
3. Improves Overall Health
Studies have shown that regular massages can help improve muscle functions, recovery time and circulation and so many more
4. Boosts Energy
Massages can actually leave you feeling energized and revitalized. If you are having trouble keeping up at work or fighting sleepiness the answer might be a good massage.
5. Instant Mood Lifter
Having a massages releases endorphins; the body’s natural painkiller. For this reason massage incorporated into treatment for chronic illness injury and recovery from surgery to control and relieve pain.
6. Can Reduce the Need for Medications
Massage can relieve pain for those who suffer from headaches, migraine, depression and anxiety which can decrease the need for medication and also shortening hospital stays.
7. Strengthens the Immune System
Massage stimulates the lymph system, the body’s natural defense, against toxic invaders. For example: in breast cancer patients, massage has been shown to increase the cells that fight cancer.
8. Can Also Strengthen Us Emotionally and Mentally
Many adults have reported cathartic experiences on the massage table. As therapist carefully unwinds a clients stressed and tired muscles, the therapist may very well be unwinding the taut, pent up emotions that one does not always have time to process in the middle of the day. The feeling of being touched in a safe, caring compassionate manner can be very powerful experience, reminding the client that she or he is not alone in the world.